In the newborn infant: If mother-to-be is taking anti-thyroid medications in leu of hyperthyroidism, it is important to know these medications can be passed on to the unborn child, along with the antibodies that cause hyperthyroidism. It is possible for an abnormal blood test to appear normal due to the anti-thyroid medication crossing the placenta. These medications can mask abnormal results. To ensure the health of your new baby, it is recommended that you have your child rescreened for thyroid disease.
Because this disorder is hereditary, if you have a family history of hyperthyroidism, it is a possibility that your child may acquire this disorder at some time in his/her life.
Controversies related to the medical and surgical
management of hyperthyroidism in children
Autoimmune thyreoiditis in childhood--epidemiology, clinical
and laboratory findings in 61 patients.
Three-year-old boy presenting in thyrotoxicosis
Surgery for Graves disease in childhood and adolescence
Hyperthyroidism - A Quick Reference Guide to ...
Possibility of correction of the hormonal state of girls by hypoxic training